Archive for March, 2008


Interview with Brian Azzarello

There are very few comics that serve as a sublime example of what happens when images and words collide on a blank sheet of paper. In that rare instance when that comic comes around you cherish it and hope that it never ends. 100 Bullets is one such comic. Unfortunately, the series has just begun […]


Top Five Beatles Albums

1) The Beatles –Revolver 2) The Beatles –Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 3) The Beatles –The Beatles (White Album) 4) The Beatles –Abbey Road 5) The Beatles –Rubber Soul


The Kinks: An Album by Album Guide

The Kinks are the second greatest band ever. They give The Beatles a tight run for the prize of being the best, but ultimately they come in as 1a. Wes Anderson can’t seem to make a movie without featuring at least two of their songs in the film (see Rushmore through Darjeeling). So if you […]

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