Archive for June, 2008


Parade of Freaks WizardWorldChicago Special Available Now at Indy Planet

How many times have you found yourself trapped on a broken down bus going nowhere fast, completely surrounded by a smörgÃ¥sbord of the craziest freaks, geeks, weirdos, aliens, robots, cavemen, megalomaniacal midgets, dinosaurs, buddy cops, giant mutant monsters, dysfunctional couples, depressed artists, ninjas for hire, poli-sci majors, sit down comics and one messed up kid […]


Pretentiousness at Wizard World Chicago

The Parade of Freaks/Pretentious Record Store Guy is hitting the road, folks! June 27th-29th we setting up shop at Wizard World Chicago. We are extremely excited since this is our first official convention outing. We will also have the very first issue of Pretentious Record Store Guy miniseries for sale as well as the Wizard […]


A Pretentious Record Store Guy Lexicon

In order to fully submerse yourself in the world of Pretentious Record Store Guy, it helps to know the lingo. To help out all those wannabe hucksters, hipsters and scenesters, we here at Pretentious Record Store Guy have decided to educate the coalition of the willing in the vernacular of PRSG. Enjoy. Pretentious – characterized […]


Pretentious Record Store Guy #1 Now Available

Every journey has a beginning, every story has a start and every record store has a Pretentious Record Store Guy. This is his story! When you’re Pretentious Record Store Guy, you’re life is pretty much made in the shade right? You get to see all the cool shows, pick through all the good music and […]


Tom Petty is a Genius Poet

I have a confession to make. I fucking love Tom Petty. I know I shouldn’t say that because I’m a Pretentious Record Store Guy and Tom Petty should be enjoyed only in an ironic way that trivializes the mainstream and uses the false facade of irony as a substitute for nostalgic appreciation for the things […]

  • Parade of Freaks website, with new comics every Monday