Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category


Development Hell selected to Zuda Comics December Competition

I know I haven’t posted a new Pretentious Record Store Guy comic in a little while, and for that I apologize, but the truth is that I have been gearing up for Zuda Comics. What exactly is Zuda Comics? Zuda Comics is D.C. Comics new online webcomic site. They just opened their doors in late […]


Pretentious Record Store Guy’s 30 Most Underrated Albumns of the Last 10 Years

30 Most Underrated Albums of the Last 10 Years What do critics know?  Nothing or else they would be in a band making music.  Fuck the critics, especially rock critics.  Most of them are thirty to forty year olds, predominantly male, slighlty balding, potential pedophilles who live in their parents’ basement and have little to […]


Pretentious Record Store Guy’s Handy Dandy Guide to Naming Your Band

Everything you need to know about a band you can find in their name. Naming your band may be the most important thing you’ll ever do in your entire life. Give your band a shit name and people will automatically think you’re shit. Example: Audioslave–great pedigree, great musicians, shitty band. How can this be? How […]

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