Because the Economy Sucks: Read PRSG #1 For Free
Posted by Carlos Gabriel Ruiz on March 10th, 2009Let’s face it – the times are tough. The economy is in the dumps, employment is high, jobs are scarce and it looks like your retirement fund just went belly up. Maybe you shouldn’t have invested in Acclaim stock, Countrywide mortgage dividends and coal burning heat for New Mexico houses. Oh well. Hindsight is 20/20.
Most economists are saying that things are going to get worse before they get better. Hopefully we’ve reached the bottom but if not there still lies a rainbow behind this terrible economic storm — you can read Pretentious Record Store Guy #1 for free online at!
The best prescription for what ails you is laughter. And snarky music commentary by someone who almost graduated from community college. And you can find plenty of both in Pretentious Record Store Guy #1. Take it from me, I got a B in macroeconomics. Seriously.
Now go, read it for free.
Then buy issue #2 (in stores soon).