Top Five Albums of 2008 (So Far)
1) Nada Surf – Lucky 2) Vampire Weekend – s/t 3) Magnetic Fields – Distortion 4) The Whigs – Mission Control 5) Cat Power – Jukebox
1) Nada Surf – Lucky 2) Vampire Weekend – s/t 3) Magnetic Fields – Distortion 4) The Whigs – Mission Control 5) Cat Power – Jukebox
Seriously. Pretentious Record Store Guy can’t stand him! Pretentiousness is one thing, but a pompous drummer? Please. What did Phil Collins do? He stepped up and made a great band terrible and in the process made a fortune by swindling the idiotic and still coked up masses in the early and mid 80s. Then he […]
What did you do today? I listened to The Magnetic Fields 69 Love Songs in its entirety (Stephin Merritt should win a Nobel Peace Prize or something) on vinyl while drinking a Starbucks Caramel Frappacino and then, because all my fans demanded it, I came up with 50 All New Cool Band Names. I would […]
1) Radiohead – In Rainbows 2) Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Baby 81 3) Modest Mouse – We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank 4) Arcade Fire – Neon Bible 5) The Good, The Bad & The Queen – The Good, The Bad & The Queen 6) Rogue Wave – Asleep at Heaven’s Gate […]
1) Sonic Youth – Daydream Nation 2) Sonic Youth –Goo 3) Sonic Youth –Dirty 4) Sonic Youth –Sister 5) Sonic Youth –Sonic Nurse
1) The Pixies – Surfer Rosa 2) Neutral Milk Hotel – In an Aeroplane Over the Sea 3) Pavement – Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain 4) Modest Mouse – The Lonesome Crowded West 5) Arcade Fire – Funeral
30 Most Underrated Albums of the Last 10 Years What do critics know? Nothing or else they would be in a band making music. Fuck the critics, especially rock critics. Most of them are thirty to forty year olds, predominantly male, slighlty balding, potential pedophilles who live in their parents’ basement and have little to […]
Everything you need to know about a band you can find in their name. Naming your band may be the most important thing you’ll ever do in your entire life. Give your band a shit name and people will automatically think you’re shit. Example: Audioslave–great pedigree, great musicians, shitty band. How can this be? How […]
Who’s better? Who’s best? Pete Best? Why he’s the original drummer for The Beatles and could only be replaced by a Starr. Speaking of originality, this newest comic is a complete rip off of Abbott and Costello’s classic routine “Who’s on First,” which was voted the best comedy routine of the 20th according to Time […]
What did you do today? I listened to the entire Belle and Sebastian catalog on vinyl and then I came up with 50 Cool Band Names. Then I had the whole afternoon to bask in my glory. Kind of beats your little 9 to 5 doesn’t it? So, here we go–50 Cool Band Names I […]